Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Photo of Mick and Beth's Steamy Shower Scene

Great still photograph of the unforgettable shower scene from last week's episode ~ B.C. # 1x06. You know you are sexy when you can make a clothed scene this sensual. :) Alex and Sophia did an amazing job, as usual.


  1. I love your site! This photo is so hot! I really hope we get more heat like this. I understand that Mick and Beth cannot "be together" (for fear we will all quit watching --- AS IF), but - They really need to do a deed or two here and there...don't you think? Gotta keep that heat on!

  2. Awesome scene. Hope we get more heat like this. i understand that they fear that if Mick and Beth get together that we will all quit watching (AS IF)....but still .... The heat is what has us hooked.
    Thanks for your awesome site. I check it often.
