Wednesday, December 5, 2007

CBS to renew Moonlight?!?

In his MediaWeek column, John Consoli wrote about comments made by Les Moonves (President & CEO of CBS) regarding how the network will deal with a long writer's strike. Here is an excerpt from his article. The white highlights are my emphasis. Get ready........

Look for CBS to begin airing sister pay cable network Showtime hit drama Dexter sometime in midseason if the Writers Strike is prolonged, and for the broadcast network to bring back freshman sitcom The Big Bang Theory and first-year drama Moonlight next season.

Speaking at the 35th annual UBS Global Media & Communications Conference in New York today (Dec. 4), Les Moonves, CBS Corp. president & CEO, mentioned the two freshman shows as likely to return next season, and that CBS would be looking to air some Showtime shows to supplement its schedule should the Writers Guild strike continue and effect the return of first-run shows on the network.

Of the 5 new shows that CBS put on this Fall, he singled Big Bang Theory & Moonlight out. And stated.... he'd take two out of five any day."That's Hall of Fame batting," Moonves said... according to the Hollywood Reporter.

*CHEER* This is the first encouraging news we have received from the network. Our renewal campaign is having an effect, my friends. :) Be sure to continue watching every show, recruiting new viewers and contacting the network. We want them to realize this is the right decision!

Link to the full article......

1 comment:

  1. This is very good news....I am keeping my fingers crossed. I hope that it is true. I had a big smile on my face when i saw this article on your blog.

    thanx Kandeygirl.
