Monday, December 10, 2007

Fan Video ~ Josef and Beth?

We have all seen the looks that Josef ( Jason Dohring ) has given to Beth ( Sophia Myles ) and wondered what is going through that mind of his. Is he thinking "Dinner!" or something else? There has been much speculation about a relationship between these two ~ with some wanting them to really get together and others only to make Mick jealous. AnnaMaureen created this "what if" fan video for us.


  1. Oh my goodness NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    I mean lets be realistic how many times have Josef and Beth met, twice in all the episodes? Why?

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I think Coraline is more his type!!!

    I love Josef i think he is cutie and i love Beth i think she is beautiful but those two together for me is a huge, gigantic, humongous NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    Mick/Beth all the way.

    That video didn't show anything to the sorts that there is even a glimpse of interest from both sides. NOooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I feel the same way!!!
    i mean I love Joesf and beth is great BUT NOT TOGETHER!!!

    Mick/Beth all the way!!!!

  3. Interesting idea, but I agree with francesca and micksgirl24: my heart is with Beth and Mick. Although I do think Beth and Josef should get to know each other better, and it would be great to have Mick jealous of Beth at some point. Fair is fair, right?

  4. Yes yes yes, its sooo wrong I love it. The contrast/incongruency of it (dark/light) is so wonderfully erotic, a bit like Lacroix and Natalie in Forever Knight, no one wants it but its so delicious anyway, whets the appetite for better things and that video is so fantastic, I played it without sound and you really catch how much Josef looks at Beth like a meal! Ultimately we want Mick and Beth together but hey if it happens and they were to consummate their love/attraction what would we be left with (smiles on faces obviously) but the show may have nowhere to go, so having that tension of Josef and Beth could be a nice distraction, for me at least, obviously I'm outvoted....loving the show!
