Saturday, January 12, 2008

Spoiler ~ Promo preview video of Moonlight's next episode ~ The Mortal Cure (episode #1x12)


This is a video of the preview promo that CBS ran at the end of Love Lasts Forever (episode #1x11). It gives us a little snippet of what will happen in next week's episode ~ The Mortal Cure (#1x12). Another great show! It makes me sad knowing that it will be the season finale for Moonlight due to the writer's strike. Let's not dwell on that now! Just enjoy what we have :)


  1. Couple of things I noticed from this promo... Coraline looks like Coraline and not like Morgan; Mick says "you WERE human" (not you ARE human) and also says "some kind of" cure; Coraline says she has to "give back what she can". My guess is this "cure" is (a) temporary and (b) likely to involve doing something Mick won't be able to do (ie - child's blood???). I also guess they MIGHT leave us guessing at the end as to whether he is human or not - so we will all be holding our breath until next season. I really can't believe after all this that there WON'T be a next season...

    Great work overnight Kandye - wonderful new posts.

    ...and - WHAT AN EPISODE with LLF. Oh my!

  2. Does anyone know what is the music we hear a snipped of at the end of the promo?

  3. It's "Dream Catch Me" by Newton Faulkner. I really can't wait for the next episode...

  4. As long as it's not the series finale, I'll be ok...

  5. I think this show will most likely get picked has to...come on it won best new drama.....look at all the episode uploads on youtube....there are so many blogs and website dedicated just to Moonlight...It has the basic ingredients for a romantic action drama...a relationship between two sexy beautiful people...but the anticipation of "when will it happen" A long a great show.
