Saturday, January 12, 2008

Video of Powerful Final Scene from Love Lasts Forever (episode #1x11)

This is a video of the unforgettable end scene between Mick and Beth from last night's Moonlight ~ Love Lasts Forever (#1x11). How many times have I watched this last scene? More than I can count.... and it still gets me every time! I will say it again ~ no other show gives its fans a final moment like Moonlight.


  1. I've been reading your Moonlight blog pretty much since you started-- it's the best one stop place for all the news about this amazing show! I didn't really know where to put this comment, so I guess I'll just post it here. You're always encouraging us to let our support for Moonlight show and every time you post a new place we can vote and have our opinions heard, I actually do go to those sites. (Like Kristin and voting daily for the PCA.) Anyway, I chanced upon another place we can have our voices heard, maybe not as prestigious but still... Here it is:

    Thanks for all you do!

    -Jackie, devoted Moonlight fan

  2. Great show and a thoughtful, intellectual ending! This series RISES ABOVE so much of the stuff on tv. God ! I am so TIRED of the simpleton sitcoms where it is line one (the set up) line two (the lead in) and line three (the punch line). You can sit there on your couch and count them.
    This show is heroic, intellectual, exciting, and even has some "chick flick" elements of romance. I can deal with that, both women in the show are HOT and smart. I really enjoy this series because of it's intelligence, the acting , and the great story lines!

  3. The ending of all the MOONLIGHT episodes has been intriguing and memorable. But this final scene was the most unforgettable and powerful one. I have watched this video many times, and I cried each time!

    It was heart wrenching to hear Mick, using voice over, to express his reason to live on is because of Beth. I hope Beth will come to understand why Mick didn't turn Josh.

    No other show can impact me the way MOONLIGHT does. CBS must give us more seasons of MOONLIGHT.
