Tuesday, February 26, 2008

DarkRavyn's wonderful new video promoting Moonlight's April 25th return

I'm sure that you have all read the following statement that CBS released.....

“Thank you for watching Moonlight and for your incredible support of the series. We are excited that the series will be coming back in April with four new, original episodes. Like any new television series, a decision to renew for next season is largely based on how many viewers watch the program. We encourage you to tell your friends about the upcoming episodes and work with us to find more viewers for Moonlight.”

We have been promoting the series for them since day one! I'm jealous of the cool promos the UK's Living Channel have created to showcase Moonlight. Why doesn't CBS do anything like that here? I can't tell you how many people I have spoken to that have no idea our show is even on the air! They watch other shows on the network (like CSI) but have never seen a Moonlight commercial. *growl* I hope CBS will actually promote the four new episodes (beginning April 25th), especially since their decision obviously depends on those ratings.

Of course, we can not depend on CBS. We must continue to spread the word ourselves. DarkRavyn has created this wonderful fan video promo for the April 25th return of Moonlight! She uses some great scenes from the show. If I wasn't already addicted to the show, this video would make me wanna check it out :)


  1. Excellent video!!!!! I already love the show but that video would make a newbie curious enough to watch. Take notice CBS.

  2. WOW! I wish we could find some way to put it on television! On about 50 channels, ten times a day between now and April 11!!!!

  3. I'm going to continue to spread the word about our show and keep working to find more viewers since CBS feels it is the responsibility of the fans to promote Moonlight. I had never seen any of those CBS promos found on You Tube. I was shocked by how many there were...it's no wonder people have no idea that Moonlight exists! I have suggested to CBS that they air those promos to generate interest to gain more viewers. Let's keep up the good work!

  4. Brilliant!!! If only CBS did as good a job promoting the show we would have nothing to worry about. Of course, we will keep on doing our best - but I have written and will keep on writing to CBS pointing out to them that it pays to advertise and they need to do as good a job of it for Moonlight as the fans do... and as Living UK has done.

  5. For what its worth, here is my note to CBS sent tonight...
    By now you must be aware that the Moonlight community out here are reacting to your request that we promo the show for you. Of course we will... we have been doing that since the show first aired. That effort is pretty much what got you (a) ~8m live viewers and (b) the PCA award. All that said, how about you do your part and put some good advertising out there well ahead of April 11th? Oh - and in case you were wondering (judging by the quantity and quality of previous promo material for Moonlight I'd guess you might be) the draw of the show is the heart, the chemistry, the romance, the sexiness, the regret. NOT big bangs and chase scenes. So here's a tip. Don't promo it like a CSI. The CSI watchers are already committed to watching procedurals every week. Play to the real audience for this show, do it right and you will get enough numbers to make everyone happy. If you want some tips on how to do that, check out ads for the show from Living UK and a lot of the fan vids (particulary the most recent by Darkravyn) on YouTube.

    Don't think we aren't grateful... we most certainly are -- for the show and the four new eps -- but c'mon CBS, help us out a little here!

  6. Wow, excellent video.

  7. Great video. It certainly can draw more viewers after seeing this video. I heard that last week Best Buy was showing a video loop of MOONLIGHT & the females went crazy when they saw Alex. I am sure it must be some sight to see Alex's face flashing on so many large-size HD TV. Best Buy was one of the advertisers in MOONLIGHT. We should thank Best Buy & encourage them to keep showing the MOONLIGHT loop. This will draw new viewers.

    I have come to the conclusion that CBS has done NOTHING before & after the strike to promote MOONLIGHT. CBS just featured "CSI Miami" & "Big Bang Theory" in "Entertainment To-night" about their returns of new eps.! The other major network do promote all their shows. I just saw Fox "New Amsterdam" was promoted during "American Idol"!

    I now included in my phone calls, letter writings, e-mails, feedbacks to CBS to urge them to promote MOONLIGHT more. We fans have done plenty already, CBS should do their part, too.

    Thanks, Kandye, for your hard work. As always, you are the BEST.

  8. DarkRavyn - best video yet! If CBS would play your video, they'd have tons more viewers for Moonlight!
