Friday, February 1, 2008

It's Moonlight Friday Again!

It is finally Moonlight Friday again! *cheer* I'm counting down the last hours and minutes until Fever (episode #1x04) tonight. You know that this is one of my favorite episodes :) Some of the best scenes between Mick and Beth are in Fever!

We have to enjoy Fever and next week's episode ~ Arrested Development (#1x05) ~ because after that Moonlight will be on hiatus for 6 long weeks. :(


  1. Don't you mean 6 long MONTHS? I just discovered your blog. I just discovered Moonlight 3 eps ago. CBS and utube aren't offering all I've missed, and I am so addicted already. I recorded Arrested Development and have watched it 4 times already. I just discovered your blog and will keep checking in. Thank you so much for it.

  2. Hiya Reader ~

    You are welcome! It is great to hear from a new Moonlight fan, and blog reader! Welcome to the addiction :) Right now, the rumors are that CBS may return to showing Moonlight reruns after The Price is Right ends its primetime showing. That is why I said we have at least 6 or 7 weeks without our show.

    All twelve of Moonlight's episodes are available on YouTube. You can watch the show online for free there. Let me know if you need any links :)

    XO ~

    My Moonlight Fan Blog
