Friday, February 22, 2008

Keep It Dark campaign in support of Moonlight begins tonight!

Tonight, we begin our Moonlight Fridays online! All of our televisions will be turned off. We will be watching Moonlight's Fever episode (#1x04) together on the official CBS site. Let's send the network the message that they are losing viewers by not having our show on the air! Ask everyone you know to join us online tonight ~ friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, Uncle Bob. I have access to several computers.... and you can be assured that they will all be streaming Moonlight episodes :)

Keep It Dark Friday Campaign
Every Friday night until Moonlight returns to the schedule on April 11th
7:00PM to 9:00PM Central & Mountain Time Zones
8:00Pm to 10:00PM Eastern & Pacific Time Zones

Save Our Vampire!


  1. WOW What a great idea!!! Whoever come up with this plan Kandye or whoever this is brilliant and thank you very much. We will make CBS know that we're not going away and we will not be ignored. VAMPIRE SOLIDARITY, RAH, RAH, RAH...........

  2. I'm trying to access CBS and having a hard time. Looks like we may be doing something right.

  3. I made sure to let CBS have it on their site tonight! I told them I am boycotting tonight because they failed to air even a rerun of Moonlight. I told them that CBS is very ungateful for all the collective buzz that my wife and I are generating at our respective workplaces. Moonlight is a great show and deserves a better fate than that of other shows of their ilk (Miracles, NightStalker, Surface, et al). Keep the vampire faith going KandeGirl!

  4. Hi Folks,
    Just wanted to share a business article clearly showing that CBS does care that we tune in on the iternet. The internet viewing is part of their business plan.


    Keep up the good work with the Friday night campaign.

  5. Well last night I made sure to have Moonlight on and I'll keep doing that each Friday night. I wasn't sure about the time since they moved Ghost Whisperer which seems to be an oddball in surviving the kiss of death night so I was tuned to Fever and Arrested Development.
