Saturday, March 29, 2008

Detroit News Article ~ Can these 12 shows be saved?

Mekeisha Madden Toby, of the Detroit News newspaper, has written an article regarding television shows on the bubble. She not only included Moonlight, but also provided the address for those who want to contact CBS to ask for a second season pickup. Excellent! I am glad she is helping to spread the word :) I hope it gets more fans motivated to support Moonlight.

I won't include all twelve shows here.... just her kind words about our show. You can read the rest by following the link below.

Can these 12 shows be saved?
By Mekeisha Madden Toby

It's time again to sit right down and write the networks a letter.

A dozen TV shows rest on the bubble and face cancellation, so if you're a fan of "Eli Stone" (ABC), "Aliens in America" (The CW), "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" (Fox) and "The Unit" (CBS), take a few moments this weekend and write network executives to try to save them.

Not into writing letters? Fans of "Las Vegas," which ended its fifth season with an unceremonious cliffhanger, are sending baby booties to the president of NBC in honor of Delinda and Danny's unborn baby. Such antics have been known to work.

Peanuts brought "Jericho" back for a second season. Although low ratings have killed it for good, a second chance is better than nothing.


"Moonlight" (returns 9 p.m. April 25): Mick St. John (Aussie-born actor Alex O'Loughlin) is no Angel, but he's a pretty handsome and pretty charming vampire all the same. A perfect fit with its schedule predecessor "Ghost Whisperer," all "Moonlight" needs is a few more weeks to excel.

To save "The Unit," "The Big Theory" and "Moonlight," write to:
Nina Tassler
CBS Entertainment President
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036

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