The Alliance for Children's Rights is an amazing charity. It offers many much needed programs such as health care, special education, mentoring, court advocacy for abused & abandoned kids, assistance with adoption and for those exiting the foster care system. When I think of the children who have nothing and nobody, it breaks my heart.
Mission Statement ~
"The Alliance for Children's Rights is protecting the rights and futures of abused and impoverished children throughout Los Angeles County, in hopes of creating a world in which all children are able to have a safe and permanent family, access to quality health care, a quality education, and all of the support and services they so rightfully deserve."
During their 15th anniversary dinner on Monday, March 10th, 2008 Nina Tassler (President of CBS Entertainment) will be presented with the National Champion for Children Award! I am happy to hear that she is so involved with such a wonderful charity.
Of course, you are aware that Nina supported Moonlight from the beginning. She has famously been quoted as saying she was "smitten" with Alex O'Loughlin the first time she met him. Who isn't?!? *wink*
I have made a donation to The Alliance for Children's Rights specifying that it is in honor of Moonlight and Nina. A card is sent to the person to notify them of your donation in their name. My thinking is this charity more than deserves our support.... I want to thank Nina for standing up for Moonlight.... AND encourage her to continue to do so :)
Moonlight fans are a generous & caring bunch, so I knew you would want to hear this news also. For others who would like to volunteer, contribute to this incredible organization or find out more about their programs, here is a link ~
You can call directly to donate in honor of someone at ( 213 ) 368-6010.
Kandeygirl: Can you post this on the other Moonlight websites too? This is a terrific charity and the more the "Powers That Be" see how generous the Moonlight fans are, maybe they'll give us another chance at a second season.