Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mick St John fan video challenge ~ U Got the Look



Moonlighter448 & Purpldy have each been challenged to create a Mick St John fan video set to Prince's song "U got the look." The competition is on! Both did a great job. They used cool Moonlight scenes showing many of the Alex O'Loughlin looks that we know & love. :) It is hard to pick a winner because they are both so good. Which one do you like best?


  1. What a gorgeous piece of man meat he is. I just can't get enough of HIM!! No way would I ever let him see the light of day....he would be chained to my bed forever.

    My vote would be for Moonlighter448 I think that video might have more shots of that 'FACE', body, arms, lips, eyelashes, hands, fingers, chest, shoes, pants, etc. whatever encompasses his space.

  2. Hard to pick! They both are good but different. I liked the more clips in Moonlighter448's but loved the humor in Purpldy's!

  3. Wonderful job ladies!!! Since I am partial to anything with Alex/Mick in it, neither of you could have done a bad job. But I have to say, you actually did an EXCELLENT job. I love the idea of the challenges!!!

  4. I'd vote for Purpldy's because I like the humor with the sexy.

  5. I vote for Purpldy's because she matched the lyrics to the clips, IMO and she cute down on the moving lips scenes.
    Fantastic job!

  6. Great job!! They are both good, but I think I like Purpldy's best. Enjoyed them both A LOT!!

  7. I vote for Purpldy's because although there was less "look" clips she does a good job of matching the clips with the song.
