Sunday, April 27, 2008

Music from Moonlight's Fated to Pretend episode (#1x13)

These are the marvelous songs identified thus far from the soundtrack for Moonlight's Fated to Pretend episode (#1x13). By the way, I already posted a video for Lucky by Bif Naked in a previous post.

Shine by Shannon Noll ~ music playing in opening scenes of Mick's new human morning routine, driving to the beach, etc

Mine All Mine by Stasia Conger ~ song heard on Beth's iPhone which has Mick's photo as the background

Calling Dr Love by Kiss ~ another great session of Guitar Hero with Logan

Baby Boy, Baby Girl by The Dark Romantics ~ plays as Mick arrives at Luis Perez's house

Price to be Paid by The Elliots ~ played while Mick is running after Luis

Lucky by Bif Naked ~ final scene ~ underscores Mick & Beth's rooftop date, talk and the KISS


  1. hello.. I'm trying to find the song that is played in the backround during the scene with Mick and Josef.. when Josef turns Mick bacl into a vampire... can ypu help me??

    thanksss =)

  2. yeah me too....its must be a funky version on moonlight sonata....but where to find it ???? xx

  3. It's " Saving Josh " from trevor morris :)

  4. Wow.. thank you very, VERY much. How did you know the song? It's so unbelieveable awesome. Makes me shiver all the time.

  5. does any one knoe the songs from last night episode? 2/20

  6. I'd like to know what song that plays when Mick is fighting the 16-going-on-200 year-old Vampire when they're on the roller coaster.

  7. the song in the roller coaster scene is The Bird and the Worm by The Used

  8. by the by, Shine is NOT the Shannon Noll version. it's Andy Stochansky

  9. I'm trying to find the song that is played in the episode "Fated to Pretend" when Mick is on the rooftop the the senators daughter, bonnie, is about to jump there is some song playing in the background. Can anyone help me?


  10. I am trying to find the song that is playing in the backround when Beth is looking at the computer in her office after Josh has died. It's a women singing the song. Need help...I usually don't have a problem finding these songs until this one.
