Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Photo of shoes Alex O'Loughlin wore to Speed Racer film premiere

A lot of people have asked about the shoes Alex O'Loughlin wore during his red carpet appearance at the Speed Racer movie premiere. Here is a close up photo for ya :) What do you think of his footwear?

Click on the photograph above to zoom in with a bigger version of the image.


  1. Yuk!!!! but then I'm an old person!!

  2. All I can think of is What?????

    I suppose it is a fashion statement.
    Not one I would choose for this hunk-stud but what do I know. LOL

  3. I noticed the shoes in the previous picture...now that’s what I call funky ‘sneakers or shoes or whatever they are!!. Guess he didn’t look in the mirror before he left for the premiere …but looks cute in his hoodlum attire thou!!

  4. I am speechless. I very much despise his shoes...I was laughing myself to death when i saw them. what is he thinking? I did a close up of his shoes, they are actually flowers..hey to each their own. the whole ensemble looked awful, i think he should also rethink his fascination for hats, although some suit him i prefer him showing his beautiful head of hair. Alex get rid of those shoes....LOL!!! Sorry just being very honest.
    I still love him and think he is Hot just those shoes........im still laughing.....

  5. Alex would wear these. Mick, on the other hand, would not be caught dead (ha ha) in these.

  6. Those must be the Paul Smith flower shoes Jason referred to in the Popwatch duel!
    hmmm...Alex certainly has a great sense of humor!!!

  7. I definately like the 'Mick-look' better than the 'Alex-look'. And as an Aussie - I've never really liked Holly Valance that much, although he seems besotted with her and he appears to be such a nice guy so maybe she is OK!! Its funny because over here she is the famous one and Alex is unheard of...but I think that is starting to change!!!!

  8. Cow luuuuves the shoes.

    Why is it a rule men's clothes have to be dull and boring and staid?

    These are what everyone should be wearing.

    But then Cow may be partial to flowers and leafy greens.


  9. http://www.zappos.com/n/p/p/7407041/c/767.html

    Not men's shoes and note price tag. A guess? Maybe the appearance of the shoes is the result of a private gag/bet.

