Thursday, May 15, 2008

CBS taking Moonlight calls again

Hey all ~ After being rude to callers over the last few days, CBS is now accepting our calls again. Several of us have experienced the same thing......... Our calls were answered by a nice operator for a change. When Moonlight is mentioned, she asks where you are calling from and your age. This may just be a study to find out demos for the future. Or, they could be gathering info for their sister network CW. No matter what the case, it can't hurt to add it to our Moonlight list of things to do. :)

Phone number ( 212 ) 975-4545

We are being given another number to call ( 818 ) 655-1779! You will get a voicemail recording that says "For Moonlight demographics we are asking callers to let us know what city & state you are calling from and your age bracket. Please note, we will stop logging calls by this Friday at 6:00pm Eastern Standard Time." Please, get EVERYONE you know to call!

More info from the lovely Lyn & several anonymous friends who had similar experiences......

I got an answer at 6:45 est but when my Mom called at 7:01 there was no reply.

I understand this will be going on from 9am est to 6pm est tomorrow. Call if you can!

A recent post on the CBS board says they had set up a new number to call. Here it is 818-655-1799.

Okay just call the number it asked for demo info and said it will stop logging calls tomorrow at 6pm EST. Let get busy everybody.


  1. I got an answer at 6:45 est but when my Mom called at 7:01 there was no reply.

    I understand this will be going on from 9am est to 6pm est tomorrow. Call if you can!

    A recent post on the CBS board says:

    "they had set up a new number to call. Here it is


    Okay just call the number it asked for demo info and said it will stop logging calls tomorrow at 6pm EST. Let get busy everybody."

    But I would say try both tomorrow.

  2. I called that number...the lady was very nice...but she gave me another's 818-655-1779! Call it! it's a recording, but they ask you to state your name, what state you live in, and your age bracket...WE CAN DO THIS!!

  3. Kandyegirl, LOVE your website! Just wanted you to know I called that number you posted. The lady was sweet. You could hear phones ringing in the background. She said she can't take all the calls, and, seriously, asked me to post a different number on the Boards! That number is 818-655-1779. You'll get a recorded message asking for city, state and age for demographics. Keep up the good work!

  4. I just tried to call and there was no answer so I'm assuming they are gone for the day. I'll try again tomorrow. But here's my question, why would they care about this information if the show is canceled? Is this an outside source they hired to screen these calls just to apeeze the fans? It's all too fishy to me. I hope this information helps Moonlight because I'm calling from Pittsburgh on my cell phone. But I will absolutely keep trying!

  5. The correct number is 818-655-1779 If you call 1799, you'll get a message about a summer block party! Just wanted to make sure the correct number gets out there.

  6. Completely off the topic - but does anyone know if Friday is still the deadline for a pick-up?? Aren't the sets (including the F.O.S) getting torn down on Friday? The thought of Mick's apartment being dismantled just breaks my heart.
