Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Moonlight fans place ad in Hollywood Reporter & Variety

Thanks to your support and donations.... Moonlight fans are placing ads in the Hollywood Reporter and Variety for our show! *cheer* Both of which are considered the top trade publications for the entertainment industry.

Moonlight United administrators, moderators and users from several message boards volunteered their time to gather the needed cash & ideas from fans around the world. Resulting in this amazing show of dedication. Thank you sooooooooooo much to everyone who worked hard on designing the ad, keeping track of the donations, etc!

Moonlight really has an amazing bunch of fans :) How can any network not want such a loyal, devoted group?!?!?

The Hollywood Reporter ad will come out on Wednesday, May 21st..... Variety will be Thursday, May 22nd.

Please, continue contacting media outlets to let them know about our campaign to save Moonlight! Now, you can brag to them about the new advertisements that are completely funded by the fans :)


  1. This actually made me cry! What a clever and creative idea!! Makes you proud to be a Moonlight fan!!!
