Thursday, May 22, 2008

Moonlight fans will rally in Los Angeles on Friday, May 23rd

Hi gang.... Please, remember the Moonlight fans rally tomorrow in LA! Spread the news offline too.

Repost ~

For all Moonlight fans in the Los Angeles area and those planning to travel there for the convention this weekend.........

A rally is planned for the Friday, May 23rd, 2008 at 2:00 PM Pacific Time. Fans will meet at the Warner Bros lot in LA. The gathering is planned for the gate at West Olive Street & North Pass. This is a positive gathering! Feel free to bring signs/posters showing your support of Moonlight, Silver Pictures and the WB. We want to encourage them to continue trying to find a home for our show.

This is not a protest against the studio or to bash CBS.


  1. theres a new petion to save moonlight! as I am writing this comment to you there are 9,824 Signatures heres the link oh im signing anoymouse cuz i cant rember my blogger password , but my name is Rachel

  2. They were supposed to tear the set down last Tuesday. Has anyone heard if they did or not?

  3. Have a great day tomorrow guys. Can't be there, but I'll be waving my banner for you here!!!!


  4. I just checked tomorrow night's schedule on CBS and Moonlight is no longer on it. There are 2 episodes of Ghost Whisperer instead.

    I guess CBS have decided not to air the repeats after all? Kandye, have you heard anything?

  5. I signed the petition yesterday afternoon. Also, left my 2 cents worth of why I’m boycotting CBS for cancelling My Moonlight, even thou I like GW & #’s. Can’t believe we won’t have ML airing tonite, not even re-runs!!

    So Good Riddance CBS!!
