Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sending snail mail to the networks about Moonlight

In many of the marvelous emails & comments I have received, you have asked if I plan on closing the Moonlightfan blog. No! I'll still be here passing on any news about our show, as well as our unforgettable cast :)

CBS expects the fans to campaign for a few days and then lose interest. They don't know us very well, do they?

You are doing an fantastic job of supporting Moonlight! Remember, to get everyone you know involved. Not all Moonlight fans actually participate in the online fandoms. We need to reach out to people offline too! Family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, your second cousin once removed ~ the more the merrier!

Use the "Save Our Vampire" button at the top left on the blog to get posts with ideas for helping the Moonlight cause.

Please, keep in mind that sending emails & making phone calls is helpful. However, writing postcards & letters makes a huge impact. As we have discussed previously, it only takes a few minutes plus stamps... but the networks think it takes more effort & dedication to the show.

We are continuing our ratings project letting CBS know that the Nielsen system is old and out of date. "I am a loyal Moonlight viewer, but not counted because I'm not a Nielsen family."

CBS Network
Nina Tassler
7800 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Don't forget about the Perpetually Cool Postcard Campaign.....

Now, for my usual reminder to be polite and concise ;>

Snail mail addresses :

Sci-Fi Channel
30 Rockefeller Plaza
21st Floor
New York, NY 10112
David Howe
Senior VP of Programming
Tom Vitale

FX Network President

John Landgraf
2121 Avenue of the Stars
19th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067

CW Network President
Dawn Ostroff
4000 Warner Blvd.
Bldg 168
Burbank, CA 91522-0002

USA & Sci-Fi Network President
Bonnie Hammer
30 Rockefeller Plaza
21st Floor
New York, NY 10112

Photograph ~ Mick St John ( Alex O'Loughlin ) & Beth Turner ( Sophia Myles ) looking super fab at Josef's party in Moonlight's season finale ~ Sonata ( episode #1x16 )


  1. Kandye, is this too nut?(Maybe Moonlight grief is affecting my brain) but... what if all the fans donated between $1 and $5 to the station that picked up Moonlight towards production costs? That could end up being quite a chunk of change, especially for say the CW. I am not sure how much it costs to produce a TV show like Moonlight, but would this kind of financial contribution along with the instant ~8 million viewership help us get this show picked up by SciFi, CW or USA?

    Is this too out there? It seems too simple...

    What do you think?

  2. There's NO WAY we're going to give up after a few days :)

    I'm going to print out round two of the post cards, and get them in the mail tomorrow. My kids will fill out a few, too. Okay, no, they don't fit in the desired demographics, but who could resist the uneven handwriting and drawings of a 7-yr-old asking for more Moonlight? Heck, if I thought it would help, I'd get my dog's footprints on a few, too. lol

  3. If you know it, could you please add to the list the address for Alex's US agent so we could send comforting snail mail to be forwarded to him to read when he gets back from vacation? Many thanks

  4. please give moonlight another season!! I thought the show recovered
    well after the writers strike.
    moonlight is unique and unpretentious
    like many other shows that are
    continuing next fall. The actors
    are superb and are noticeably
    devoted to the characters they're
    portraying. please reconsider airing
    moonlight for another season,
    Marjie S.

  5. please give moonlight another season!! The show recovered well after the very lengthy writer strike.
    moonlight is unique and unpretentious
    unlike so many other shows on tv these days. The actors are superb
    and are noticeably devoted to the
    characters they're portraying.
    please consider airing them in the fall.
    Marjie S

  6. Kandye, this was just posted on the CBS board. I am heading over to take a look:

    Recently, there was a poll added on the USA message boards asking members if they wanted Moonlight on their channel or not.

    If you could please sign in and vote it would be appreciated.

    I know that there has been a few polls lately pending to Moonlight... and you know something ... we've won every single one of them. Not only have we won but we've always won by more than 90%.

    So here's another poll that we can vote at to show how much we want Moonlight back.

    Also when you vote just leave a reply on the the USA thread, telling them why you want it back. Then if you can leave a reply here saying that you voted, so I will not have to keep bumping this.

  7. I just tried to register on the USA site for the poll I mentioned above. Like a few of the other CBS posters, it has been an hour or so and I still haven't received my confirmation email to go and vote. I am wondering if there were so many registrants as a result of the poll that they are having server issues.

    Anyway, the poll currently shows 92% at "Yes" for USA to pick up Moonlight.

    I am going to try again tomorrow if I don't get my registration email tonight.

  8. It seems some people are not getting registration emails from the USA site. I didn't, but when I tried to log in I was successful.

    Please try and register and vote on the USA network site. Currently 96% of the ~500 people who have voted have said "Yes" to a USA pickup.

  9. Yesterday I registered at the USA but I'm still waiting for my confirmation. Hope I get my reply sometime today, fingers XXXX. I've pretty much visited every poll concerning the return of MOONLIGHT, send postcards, emails, you name it, I've done it...and hoping we hear good news sometime this week. ;( We need MOONLIGHT back SOON!!
