SPOILER ALERT! This is my little recap of Moonlight's season finale tonight ~ Sonata (episode #1x16)
I hope you will bear with me. I'm trying to write my usual episode recap, but I'm a bit upset.
First of all, I must say that I am soooooooooooooooooo glad the feared cliffhanger ending did not happen! When Jason mentioned that in an interview, he must have been referring to the list of Vampires that was mysteriously sent to ADA Talbot.
The producers said Moonlight fans would love the last scene. Very true! Often, fans of beloved, canceled shows are left with nothing but unanswered questions and unfinished storylines. I'm just grateful that we have some closure. However, IF we are fortunate enough to get our show back, they still have amazing stories to tell.
So sweet to see Josef funding a memorial for his Sleeping Beauty. Hearst College ~ funny!
We learn about the willing freshie world. Could Mick have been more uncomfortable when Beth asked how many he has enjoyed over the years?!
Mick and Beth's 4th actual date. I knew it was jinxed as soon as she said it's a date if a dead body is not involved.
Lots of jealousy tonight.... Josef & Simone, Mick & Beth, Emma & Jackson....
Talk about guilty looks as Beth walks in on Josef & Mick sampling Simone's blood. She is confused because feeding was a big deal in the moment she & Mick shared in the desert. Then, Mick says this was no big deal. Of course, there is a difference. Love! He does not have feelings for Simone.
I laughed out loud at this exchange. Beth asks Mick if he is ok after the scuffle during their visit to the frat house. Mick ~ "I got hit in the face with the sacred ass paddle." Beth ~ "Karma!" *grin*
Side note ~ Is being able to tell someone's blood type by taste a new power he has due to Josef's blood? Previously, he was surprised when Beth revealed her rare type.... even tho he had tasted it already.
Beth & Mick both observed the 150 year marriage that Emma & Jackson shared, yet had different perspectives of what that meant.
I chuckled when Jackson, being the gracious host, brought in the drinks. Blood for himself & Mick. Water for Beth.
As always, LOVED the scenes between Josef & Mick. Discussing his possible beyond freshie relationship with Simone... a human.... Josef ~ "Who doesn't like me? Did she say that?" hehehehehe
The gathering of the major vamps in LA. I smiled thinking that Logan got to meet Josef. Remember how envious he sounded about Mick knowing the richest & most powerful Vampyre?
When Jackson was allowed to have a final moment with Emma, I knew he would not leave her side.
Mick seeing their love led to the final scene between him & Beth. At first, he seems to be doing his usual routine. I had no doubts that he would go back to Beth.
"You want to know what Emma & Jackson made me realize? That you were right. You were right all along. This isn't about being a Vampire or a human. This is about us. How we feel about one another. Right here, right now!"
Their love also influences Beth. She asks Mick what she was wearing the night the met.... well... met again. ;> Of course, he knows. All he had to say was his response to her asking how he remembered. "Because, I love you."
It was a great show. I am ill now that there is no more! ARGH!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great show tonight. I might cry. Laughing.
kandy can you please do a compare of out lovely show moonlight
to this new bimbo show/ how un cool it is and how exciting ours is
please :)
for fan base so we can crush this show. :)
thank you@
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain, take your time. I am happy though they ended it on a happy note so to speak....more like a bitter sweet ending. What a great show how could CBS do this to us...
We have to get our show back we just have to.
This episode was awesome, loved every minute of it. I am in tears right now cannot bear this anymore...
Totally understandable!! It was a wonderful episode!! The best one yet, IMO. How could it be cancelled?!! It boggles the mind
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous show!! The last four episodes have been great. How could any rational executive not let this winner grow? The acting, the writing, the camera work, the tension.....What a loss..
ReplyDeletei'm with you girl
ReplyDeletei'm heart broken
but i'm also so proud of the writers and actors for leaving us with such an amazing long awaited ending
best epy every
thank you moonlight cast and crew!
thank you!
I can't believe ANYONE could look at that ep and think there wasn't a future for this show!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat said, even after all the angst this week, if this is all there is I can live with that ending.
It's pretty obvious what the closed door signified... so we all kinda got our way.
If we get no more, we can imagine them any way we want to now. That's what I intend to do, anyway. Imagine them happy, together and with Mick finally getting someone to share his life with.
I will miss you Kandye, your wonderful fansite which provided my daily Moonlight fix, and all the various virtual friends I have made through this show as much as I miss Mick, Beth, Josef and the Vamp community.
Through tears... thanks for the memories.
There's no official word saying there's "no more" of the show. We're still fighting for it, and until I hear from Joel Silver's mouth himself that they've stopped shopping around, I'm not going to believe that was the final episode.
ReplyDeleteTake your time, Kandye. I know I bawled when it ended. *hugs*
35 minutes later & I'm still crying. what a show!!! how can this be the end? I just went to CBS feedback and sent them another message.
ReplyDeleteKandyegirl, Thanks for the recap! I am waiting to watch in California (an hour and 20 minutes to go). I don't mind the spoilers and tonight I have to brace myself for the end (for now).
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how sad I am about this show being axed (staked??).
Hard to find the words....Thanks again!
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who cried... I'm so sad...
ReplyDeleteWow, absolutely loved it. Cried when Mick went back into Beth's apartment. Touching......I love this show!
ReplyDeleteMR from Katy, Texas
ReplyDeleteThank you for the accurate and concise recap of tonight's episode. I cried through the whole thing, but also was so thankful the last scene showed Mick and Beth deepening their relationship. I don't think I could have survived if they had ended on an alienated note. I think you're right about the list (and obvious mole in the vampire world) being the cliffhanger that was supposed to bridge the seasons.
Does anyone know the purpose of the demographic phone number we all called today? I had all my friends call. Will you let us know what you find out when they tally the calls, whether it meant anything at all in regards to the show?
Thanks again!
Vampires forever!
Thank you for the accurate and concise recap of tonight's episode. I cried through the whole thing, but also was so thankful the last scene showed Mick and Beth deepening their relationship. I don't think I could have survived if they had ended on an alienated note. I think you're right about the list (and obvious mole in the vampire world) being the cliffhanger that was supposed to bridge the seasons.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know the purpose of the demographic phone number we all called today? I had all my friends call. Will you let us know what you find out when they tally the calls, whether it meant anything at all in regards to the show?
Thanks again!
Vampires forever!
Kandyegirl--This show just can't be cancelled!!! I am watching it the second time and Beth was talking to the gal that got it with her husband--can't think of her name right now-- and she told Beth that she knew it was him she loved (paraphasing here) because he knew what she was wearing when they met. Of Course, Beth uses this at the end..Kandyegirl--Please tell me there is still hope! I love this show so much!
ReplyDeleteHey, don't give up! There's big momentum underway to get the show on either USA, Sci-Fi, or possibly the CW, although the best bets are said to be the first two. Write and call! I really think all these fans are not going be ignored by all the networks, either. I've been trying to post on the cbs.com ML boards, but I think they're blocking me(?) Is anyone else having trouble trying to log in there? But anyway, there's usually uo-to-date info posted there on the status of the efforts. At least there has been - hope they don't remove the site!
ReplyDeleteWow! So much going on in this episode that I definitely need to see it again!! (Which I will tomorrow with my husband, who had to work tonight!)
ReplyDeleteSomehow, I missed the bit about Karma, even though I had read spoilers and knew it was coming!! So thank you for filling me in on exactly what I missed!! And I LOVED your note about how Logan finally had a chance to meet Joseph!! I didn't even THINK of that!!! LOL!!!
It was such an awesome episode. Seems like maybe the writers wrote it knowing there was a strong possibility they were not coming back, but left a small window open. (Thank you to all the excellent writers and actors!!)
BTW, I turned around and left feedback at CBS and HeyNielsen and a few other places. (I never do this!) I hope the ratings for Moonlight tonight were huge and makes them think twice.
I'm one of those people that only "watched" GW to kill time while waiting for Moonlight to come on. I hope a bunch of others did the same and that GW numbers reflect that when Moonlight is replaced.
I'm like everyone else here who has commented. I cried and cheered at the final scene. Mick and Beth are SO good together- she was never like this when she was with Josh! And I can't believe that the fate of Moonlight has upset me as much as it has but I can't help it. This is much more than just a tv show- it's like a weekly event or something and it is inconceivable for me to accept its demise.....
ReplyDeleteKandye I don't know how you could even write a recap. I was sobbing at the end for a long time. I feel like I buried a true love. I am afraid to hope for renewal. It's just a great show that taps into some deep place in us all that awakens our belief in life and love, romance and fun, excitement and adventure.
Ok I am in shock! I love this show it has just the right balance of...well everything! And they are really done as in forever! Is that what I am being told here? That just stinks
ReplyDeletei didn't think of it this way but ya the way you make it sound that we do need another season. hope it will happen
ReplyDeleteGreat show. The actors were brilliant..just perfect :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a tv show... it's a tv show... I keep telling myself this and it doesn't stick. I fell in love with these people and their lives, and I don't want it to end. Like so many of you, I cried at the end. At least Mick got to tell Beth he loved her, and the closing door was perfect. I sure hope this episode hits sky-high in the ratings!
ReplyDeletein the meantime, I've discovered a whole new world of fan fiction. Did any of you know HUNDREDS of people post (some good, some not so) stories about our characters? Some are alternate endings and some are just truly inspired fiction. Well, I'm a writer, too! I'm going to pick up where tonight left off and write about our dear Mick and his Beth, as well as everybody else. I've already started. It's oddly soothing. They still live. They will live.
And NO ONE cancels my imagination!
I'm glad these forums exist. I now know I am so not the only one who was so captivated by this wonderful, touching, thrilling show.
I was numb during the entire episode. I hardly enjoyed it knowing it was the end. I couldn't cry because I'm all cried out. My tears started at noon on Tues and have subsided somewhat since then, but the sickness in my stomach won't go away.
ReplyDeleteI'm not an optimist...so I won't "go there" about renewal or being picked up.
I did feel as tho the last 4 episodes answered all our questions from the first 12 and my senses keep telling me "they" saw the "handwriting on the wall", so to speak. Alex & company might not have but the execs at production..perhaps....It's hard to keep rumors out of the workplace.
I'm in love with the story of Mick & Beth and will remember it always.
I HOPE THE REPLACEMENT SHOW TANKS and the episodes before 9 pm and after drop!! I'm mean and vindictive and I like it!!
"Sonata" was by far the best episode. The time just flew by as usual. I cried and cheered throughout this episode.
ReplyDeleteWe all have been debating who will say "I love you" first. When Mick said "Because I love you", I let out a big cheer. The closing of the door with Mick/Beth kissing gave me closure knowing that they their love will keep them together.
We all fell in love with Mick, Beth and Jason because of the incredible acting skills of Alex, Sophia & Jason. I already am missing following the adventure of these wonderful characters.
Kandye, even though you were hurting like the rest of us, but yet you still came out shining with your in-depth recap. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I hope this is NOT good bye. Can you keep this site on so that we can get future news of Alex, Sophia & Jason?
"Sonata" was by far the best episode. The time just flew by as usual. I cried and cheered throughout this episode.
ReplyDeleteWe all have been debating who will say "I love you" first. When Mick said "Because I love you", I let out a big cheer. The closing of the door with Mick/Beth kissing gave me closure knowing that they their love will keep them together.
We all fell in love with Mick, Beth and Jason because of the incredible acting skills of Alex, Sophia & Jason. I already am missing following the adventure of these wonderful characters.
Kandye, even though you were hurting like the rest of us, but yet you still came out shining with your in-depth recap. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I hope this is NOT good bye. Can you keep this site on so that we can get future news of Alex, Sophia & Jason?
I'm still crying!! I have watched 3 times now, this is a great show and I will never understand why it was cancelled. I live in the uk and have, like everyone else, had become totally obsessed with this series. CBS are in the world of their own and it's not of this earth!I absolutely loved this episode and am having real trouble coming to terms with the fact it may be the last. So, I'm really,really sad....but beautiful memories and the most brilliant programme I have seen in years.Alex is so gorgeous and CBS have lost their tiny minds!!!Thankyou kandygirl we've got to fight until the end!