UPDATE ~ new location for Dallas rally!
More rally info for you :) This time Moonlight fan gatherings in Dallas and Orlando......
Dallas Demonstration ~ Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas & New Mexico
Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Where: Thanksgiving Square
1650 Pacific Avenue
Dallas, TX
Photos of location ~ http://www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/texas/dallas/thanksgiving/johnson.html
Contact Christy wondergirl9847@hotmail.com
Orlando, Florida Rally
Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Meet at 1pm ~ location to be determined)
Where: Downtown Orlando at 400 S. Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL
There is a Free concert that day starting at 4pm with Spin Doctors and Eddie Money sponsored by WMMO. The amount of people and possible coverage/exposure would be really good.
This is the core of our rally, so now we need numbers people. We need at least 12 or more there to make a real impact. Get in touch with Mel or myself, let us know you can and will be there. Now we need to get posters, handouts and such together for this. So, we need all your help.
Contact Melissa mel9116@gmail.com
Details : http://forums.moonlightline.com/viewtopic.php?f=440&t=8790
Hope the rallies are huge! I know this is off the subject, but I was listening to LA's largest oldies radio station out here (Krth 101) and they dedicated 4 WHOLE HOURS to promoting CBS's freshman series "Swingtown" premiering tonight after CSI. It is about the 70's, and they had NO OTHER SPONSORS during that whole time. After every song, all 70's songs, they either interviewed one of the actors or advertised/promoted the show. The whole 4 hours was only for that show!Imagine the cost to CBS for those rights to advertise that way! If CBS had done 1/10 of that kind of promotion for Moonlight, imagine! I am definitely NOT going to watch any new series on CBS, and I urge all of you to do the same.