Our friends at the TV Addict have picked up on Perez Hilton's blog post..... and they agree with us! :)
I also LOVE the banner/header they are using on their website (see above). It was created by a wonderful, anonymous Moonlight fan for the TV Addict's second annual "Pimp Your Favorite Show Contest."
Did CBS Miss The Vampire Bandwagon?
Here are five words this TV Addict never expected to write: Perez Hilton has a point.
In his recent post titled, ‘Vampires Are In’ the reigning queen of celebrity gossip sights the 3.5 million copies being printed for Stephanie Meyers fourth and final installment of the TWILIGHT series BREAKING DAWN, the upcoming September premiere of Alan Ball’s [SIX FEET UNDER] highly anticipated new HBO series TRUE BLOOD and the TWILIGHT movie set to hit the big screens in December as proof positive that vampires are the new boy wizards.
Leading us to wonder aloud — with interest in Vampires seemingly at an all-time high — could CBS have cancelled MOONLIGHT at a worse time?
I also LOVE the banner/header they are using on their website (see above). It was created by a wonderful, anonymous Moonlight fan for the TV Addict's second annual "Pimp Your Favorite Show Contest."
Did CBS Miss The Vampire Bandwagon?
Here are five words this TV Addict never expected to write: Perez Hilton has a point.
In his recent post titled, ‘Vampires Are In’ the reigning queen of celebrity gossip sights the 3.5 million copies being printed for Stephanie Meyers fourth and final installment of the TWILIGHT series BREAKING DAWN, the upcoming September premiere of Alan Ball’s [SIX FEET UNDER] highly anticipated new HBO series TRUE BLOOD and the TWILIGHT movie set to hit the big screens in December as proof positive that vampires are the new boy wizards.
Leading us to wonder aloud — with interest in Vampires seemingly at an all-time high — could CBS have cancelled MOONLIGHT at a worse time?
TV Addict couldn't have said it better that CBS has missed the vampire bandwagon by canceling Moonlight, a vampire show that was attracting 8 million viewers. To me, it was the dumbest decision TPTB at that nameless network had ever made in the history of television!! They are going to regret it. Of course, I doubt that they will ever admit that they made a wrong decision!! I hope that brainless "Ex-List", which replaces Moonlight's timeslot, will tank like "Swingtown".
ReplyDeleteDid CBS miss the Vampire bandwagon?
And Mick St. John would have been the TOP vampire on the list!
Hi Kandye, I wrote you an email about this exact topic a few weeks ago. In my email to you I talked about the success of the Stephanie Myers "Twilight" books and the subsequent movie coming out soon and also ablout the HBO vampire series coming out in the fall. Cancelling MOONLIGHT was a painful, stinging blow to us fans and in light of the wave of vampire popularity swarming around TV and movies now, it was - painful, stinging, MORONIC AND ASSININE- way to go Crappy Broadcast System..........
ReplyDeleteThe "Ex List" is going to replace Moonlight? How dumb is that. I never went out before Moonlight came on. I never missed it. Now there is nothing to look forward to. Mick St. John and the rest of the cast were all great.
ReplyDeleteMissing my vampire in Texas.
I miss Moonlight. The entire cast was great; a well-integrated ensemble. I hope CBS knows how to follow the money and puts that show back on the air.
ReplyDeletei love moonlight!!!!!!!!!! how in the world could they have cancelled such a great show? i mean it was heating up with mick st john and beth!!!????!!!!! i mean wat the hay!!!!!!!!???????????????????????? please put it back on the air!
ReplyDeleteCBS did made such a stupid decision when they cancelled Moonlight. Everyone I know Loved the show and the entire cast fit their roles perfectly. Who couldn't fall in love with Mick St. John! Wish they would consider bringing the show back. I don't think they missed the bandwagon yet but it may be close if they don't act. I think if they brought the show back now it would quickly rise to #1 since the CW is putting out the Vampire Diaries this fall. Think about it CBS, it's not to late!! Disappointed Moonlight fan~