Sunday, September 7, 2008

True Blood makes its television debut tonight

The new True Blood Vampire tv series premieres tonight on HBO! Here are a couple of videos about the show for you.

True Blood Television Show Trailer

Hollywood 411 ~ TV Guide ~ True Blood : Interview with creator, executive producer, writer & director Alan Ball

Alan Ball, writer of AMERICAN BEAUTY and SIX FEET UNDER, comes back to HBO with TRUE BLOOD starring Academy Award winner Anna Paquin (as Sookie Stackhouse). He's done with the dead and has moved on to the undead. Get a taste for the new series here.


  1. Okay everyone,
    I am still mourning Moonlight being cancelled, i am still dumbfounded about the whole cancellation thing but now they have this new Show True Blood. I did watch it yesterday Sept 7/2008, and i have to say it is no Moonlight that is for sure!!!
    I will give it a few more episodes and i will give it a fair chance. I dont know maybe it is because i loved Moonlight so much i cannot get passed watching another vampire. I just found True Blood to be so know the cheesy lines, the sex, the foul language and alot of blood, which i dont mind dont get me wrong. Moonlight was just a more humanly wasnt so without feelings and just about sex. It had heart, warmth, and normal relationships so to speak. I just dont know...I guess my only wish is to bring Moonlight back. I know though that that is never going to happen now which really breaks my heart. I will watch True Blood again in hopes that it will get better that is all i can say.

    The ending i think was the only thing that kept me coming back to next weeks episode to see what will happen to Sookie.
    Curious to see what everyone else thought.

  2. Moonlight has spoiled me. I simply can't see any other vampire show being at the same level. ML was about romance and true love; True Blood was about sex.

    I watched TB last night and thought is was so-so. Nothing spectacular. Every time I saw Bill, I thought "He ain't no Mick St. John". I'll tune in for a few more episodes out of curiosity.

  3. Well, the books are pretty sexy AND violent as well. I don't get HBO, so didn't see the show, but the clips aren't doing too much for me as "Bill" doesn't seem right although Anna P does seem like a good choice for Sookie. I turned to the books looking for "more Vamp" after we lost Moonlight and read my way from the first one and am now on #6 with two more to go. There is something very readable about them but it took a while for them to really catch my imagination and every time I start another one I have to let it grow on me again. Maybe the show will be the same. Give it another chance, but I have to say it can't ever be another Moonlight. What a shame TV execs couldn't see how special Moonlight was. Sigh.

  4. I watched it both in real time and "On Demand" (I have Comcast) and you guys are right - it's no Moonlight. To be fair, it's not meant to be. Sookie seems like an interesting character, as do the rest of the people of Bon Temps, so maybe it will grow on me. As for the graphic sex, hopefully this will be mostly associated with the darker elements of the show to demonstrate a contrast to the Sookie/Bill relationship. Jason (Sookie's brother) seems to have some issues...

    Anyway, it didn't grab me like Six Feet Under did, but I'm willing to give it a try.

    P.S. (Loved the setting, loved the opening montage and music)

  5. I never liked or watched anything associated with vampires before ML. Alex caught my eye.

    I watched TB on HBO and the first 15 minutes I was in shock to say the least. I said if this porn continues throughout the entire episode then that's the end for me. I am by no means a PRUDE but if I wanted to watch porn I can sign up for it thru Comcast. OK, that said...the characters have not attached themselves to me yet!! don't know if that will happen. I could go on and on about the negatives about it but I won't but to be fair to the show (unlike what all the critcs and Buffy, fans did to trash talk ML when it first came out) I am willing to give it a fair shake so when I judge I will have concrete evidence of which I speak.

  6. I TiVO'd TB and also watched it On Demand- I thought it was OK and I will continue to watch it - but agree with the comments made by others that it's sure not Moonlight. When I watched the first episode of Moonlight I was HOOKED but then again, nothing else was like Moonlight-it's why I was so nuts about the show. At least at HBO a series has a chance. Heck, a series on ANY other network but the Crap Broadcast System would have had a fighting chance- I still mourn Moonlight-it was the best.

  7. Because I'm still jonesing for Moonlight, I watched it eagerly. I like the characters so far, but the sex is a little over the top. I'm not a prude, but it seems as if they're deliberatly going for shock value and it just seems a little desperate and unnecessary to the story. I'll give it a few more episodes.

  8. True Blood resembles Heroes at first glance (just rented the first episode from Blockbuster), though it still feels mostly original... for some reason this show makes me want to eat Cajun food and drink cheap beer
