Stephanie, from the Hollywood Reporter, sent me this info. HBO has already renewed True Blood for another season.
Oooooo.... one quibble.... the show's action is set in Bon Temps, LA, not New Orleans as stated in the article. As you can guess, I'd love to see them take a trip to NOLA :)
HBO orders second season of 'True Blood'
By Andrew Wallenstein
HBO is ordering a second season of new series "True Blood" after just two episodes.
The series, which follows the adventures of vampires in New Orleans, will go back into production early next year in anticipation of a new batch of episodes for the summer of 2009.
While the premiere episode of the series received a modest audience, HBO cited an "unprecedented" 24% increase in viewers for the second installment. In addition, the "Blood" premiere drew 4 million when additional runs of that episode were tallied.
"We are absolutely thrilled that the critics and our viewers have embraced 'True Blood,'" said Michael Lombardo, president of programming group and West Coast operations at HBO. "Alan Ball has done it again--made an addictive series that is unlike any other."
"I am thrilled to be able to continue to work with such a talented group of writers, cast and crew to explore the characters and world created by Charlaine Harris in her novels," said Alan Ball, executive producer of "Blood."
Oooooo.... one quibble.... the show's action is set in Bon Temps, LA, not New Orleans as stated in the article. As you can guess, I'd love to see them take a trip to NOLA :)
HBO orders second season of 'True Blood'
By Andrew Wallenstein
HBO is ordering a second season of new series "True Blood" after just two episodes.
The series, which follows the adventures of vampires in New Orleans, will go back into production early next year in anticipation of a new batch of episodes for the summer of 2009.
While the premiere episode of the series received a modest audience, HBO cited an "unprecedented" 24% increase in viewers for the second installment. In addition, the "Blood" premiere drew 4 million when additional runs of that episode were tallied.
"We are absolutely thrilled that the critics and our viewers have embraced 'True Blood,'" said Michael Lombardo, president of programming group and West Coast operations at HBO. "Alan Ball has done it again--made an addictive series that is unlike any other."
"I am thrilled to be able to continue to work with such a talented group of writers, cast and crew to explore the characters and world created by Charlaine Harris in her novels," said Alan Ball, executive producer of "Blood."
Photograph ~ Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin) and Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer) in True Blood television series promo photo
Trueblood was renewed for a 2nd season after only having had 2 episodes aired so far? How fabulous and wonderful for them! I have stated this before- kudos to HBO- they started promoting the heck out of this series a while ago, they have made each episode available On Demand right away. HBO also has Trueblood merchandise, they have a contest to win $10,000 in cash etc., etc. (Allthough I can't believe HBO passed on the fab show Mad Men on AMC).I'm really starting to like Trueblood- it doesn't hold a candle to Moonlight but then Moonlight isn't on anymore. Anyway, let me say once again the Crap Broadcasting System should be ashamed of themselves for cancelling Moonlight.
ReplyDeleteI don't have HBO and wasn't going to get it just for this show - even tho' I found the books this year (after becoming a vamp fan b/c of Moonlight) and have really enjoyed them. Anon above encouraged me to look in HBO OnDemand (why didn't I think of that!) and so I paid $9.99 and watched #1 last night. I hated it. WAY WAY too much sex. The books are sexy (one might almost say "lusty") but this was entirely different. I heard there was a lot of sex in the show and I thought maybe they would wait until the Bill/Sookie relationship kicked off for sex scenes and, frankly, having read the book I couldn't see how they could manage the story without them. What on EARTH was all that disgusting stuff at the beginning. No need for it whatsoever. The book merely mentions that Jason had "rough sex" with the murdered girl and while that was needed for the plot, none of the rest of it was and there was NO NEED to go into the detail they did with the scene. Nor was there any need for the first few mins with the couple in the truck either. What do HBO think? That if we put some crude sex in the first 2 mins people will watch? What an insult.
ReplyDeleteI didn't like Six Feet Under (for a variety of reasons) and I don't like this. I won't be spending another penny on it, certainly won't get HBO for it and I will continue to read the books (one more to go - #8).
Poor Moonlight. Sex galore without needing to resort to these methods. REAL chemistry (rather than the faked, overacted kind between the two lead characters here), and a vamp you COULD believe would completely enthrall all who laid eyes on him. And THIS drek gets a 2nd season???
I miss my Moonlight.
I can't believe TB got renewed after only 2 episodes! This just makes me hate CrapBS even more.
ReplyDeleteI tried to enjoy TB, but I simply can't. Moonlight has spoiled me.
I am the "anonymous" from the first comment on this topic. I agree with you Lyn, I don't like the montage of clips in the beginning of Ture Blood AT ALL- I fast forward past it.The vamps are way creepier etc., etc.,-the show is so different from Moonlight it's like comparing apples to oranges. I did like Six Feet Under and I do like True Blood but nothing,nothing, nothing compares to Moonlight. I've never been affected by a tv show like I was with Moonlight. BUT I really just love how HBO was and is behind the series all the way......
ReplyDeleteYes I do agree with you Anon #1 it is good that HBO backed the show. We could only wish that Moonlight had received the same kind of backing. Even the ultra-lame CBS could have made something out of Moonlight if they had put some commitment behind it. Its just a shame that a GOOD show like Moonlight couldn't have received the same kind of backing that HBO are prepared to put into TB.
ReplyDeleteI agree that True Blood is intriguing and was definitely well promoted. It is no replacement for Moonlight and Alex O'Loughlin is much easier on the eyes than Stephen Moyer. That said, I have enjoyed True Blood so far. I can't help but wonder (while watching TB) what Moonlight might have been like on cable. I also hope CBS is kicking itself for cancelling Moonlight. Vampires seem to be all the rage right now (with True Blod and Twilight), and CBS could have claimed to be the forerunner. It would have increased interest in Moonlight and viewership as well. Too bad for you, CBS, the show you tossed aside has come back to bite you in the neck!
ReplyDeleteI loved Six Feet Under, but this show is not as good. Since I've only seen three episodes, I won't make a final judgement yet, but so far, it's goes from very fine moments to some of the silliest mess I've seen on TV.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to like these people.
YALL are CRAZY!!!!!....
ReplyDeletebet you didn't even see BLOOD TIES..that was awesome TOO...saw moonlight...AWESOME and now TRUE BLOOD....i am SOO LOVING it....i've been a true lover of all things dealing with vampires that i can't see the bad stuff....true blood however is definately on my top two list right behind blood ties...cause man.....KYLE schmid was GORGEOUS... ...yuuuummmyy....it also helps that i love blood ties cause i'm still the hormon crazed. Even though i'm 21 still young...but i'm sure that plays a big role.....anywho...i loved all the series...and i'm THRILLED to see that true blood is going to keep going on :D
thanks i'm done!
Hey Petra- To me nothing was/is as awesome as Moonlight. However,I LOVED Blood Ties too and I agree with you about Henry/Kyle- he is hot and I'm way older than 21! I saw every episode and I wished it had gone on to a Season 3-but there again Blood Ties at got 2 seasons. I am behind True Blood 100% as well- can't wait for the next episode....