Sunday, December 14, 2008

Poll ~ What was the best Vampire entertainment of 2008?

Over at author Catherine Karp's Suburban Vampire website, she has posted a fun new poll ~ What was the best Vampire entertainment of 2008? I think we can answer that :) Moonlight is among your choices, along with True Blood, Twilight movie, Lost Boys 2 : The Tribe, Let The Right One In, Vampire Fiction or simply "other."

Follow this link to vote......


  1. Check out the response to Moonlight on this site. It still beggars belief that Moonlight suffered the fate it did, right on the cusp of this year's vampire hype and with so many people who loved it. We would still go in droves to any network that showed it (I expect we will to SciFi in Jan) and a new season or a movie would be such a hit. Oh I do miss my Moonlight!

  2. I loved True Blood and I went nuts over Twilight but, to me, NOTHING CAN TOUCH MOONLIGHT!

  3. I am so glad I found it ont the Sci-Fi channel. I really love this series and hope it can conitue with new episodes. Thank you
