Monday, January 26, 2009

Checking Moonlight DVD boxed set's position on sales charts

Moonlight is number one on the "Hot New Releases in Movies & TV" chart at Amazon! It is also #2 on their "Bestsellers" and "Most Wished For" lists. Amazon updates their top selling products hourly. Over at Barnes and Noble, Moonlight is #2 on their "Bestselling DVDs" chart.... right behind Twilight at #1. At the Best Buy website, our show is on backorder due to the huge demand. *cheer*

You are doing an amazing job of supporting our show :) Keep up the good work! Big dvd sale numbers are hard for Hollywood to ignore.

Ooooooooo..... when you have time, be sure to write & share your glowing reviews for Moonlight at Amazon, Borders, B & N, etc.

1 comment:

  1. My family bought the Moonlight DVD for me because I love the show.
