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Monday, November 19, 2007

Beth Kissing Mick ~ Again!

I had to post this photo of Beth softly kissing Mick from the final revealing scene of 12:04 (episode 1x08)! When she gently and gratefully told Mick that she now knew he was her savior and then kissed him again, I was very impressed ~ with the show's writers too. Sophia handled the scene with such genuine, thankful sweetness.


Anonymous said...

The picture is great, Thanks. I am a UK fan and this site is so great,I hope CBS renews the show, I keep on waiting and your site is the first I check with any news and updates, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just wanted to say how great your blog is! I am having a hard time finding Moonlight fans in my circle of friends, so I'm happy to find a bunch on the internet. I check here every day for the most interesting Moonlight scoops! Thanks so much, I hope you get new readers every day!