Mick St John's Ring and Manly Hand :)
My friend, Talisker, asked for a close up photo of Mick St John's ring. I know that many of you are also interested in it.... as well as Alex O'Loughlin's strong, sexy, manly hands. :) Click on the image above for a larger version of the photograph.
Nice hands.....goes well with his nice everything else. :)
Thanks for the great website and feeding my Moonlight addiction.
Thanks for the info on the ring. We can add it to the list of things we want from our MOONLIGHT.
you can buy the exact ring here
Is it still possible to get Mick's ring? I cannot connect to that website.
To buy the Mick's ring you can check on ebay.com
The seller's name is
they are available in different sizes. I have seen them there every week !
Mick's ring can be found on ebay.com its very easy to search for.
the sellers name is
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