This is a new photo wallpaper of our Beth Turner. It is a great behind the scenes picture showing Sophia Myles getting a make-up retouch... for the doctor's office scene in Moonlight's Fated to Pretend episode (#1x13).
Click on the image above for a bigger version of the photograph to use on your computer desktop background, website graphic, MySpace page, etc.
OH kandye, how you mock me with these pictures, interviews, announcements etc. I love to see all of these things but it always makes me so sad and angry that our show doesn't exist anymore- I miss MOONLIGHT!
Thanks Kandye, that's a really cool picture of Sophia. Yah, it's really sad that our show is not coming back. *sigh* Miss it so much and I miss the whole cast.*cries*
Love the pic! Thanks for sharing it with us.
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