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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Coveting Mick's Bookshelves :)

The art direction and prop staff of Moonlight do a phenomenal job! Especially on Mick's apartment and office. It just fits him. Recently, I got another friend addicted to the show. We both covet Mick's bookshelves! This behind the scenes photo is for Ducki, and all of our fellow book nerds :)

I can see him sitting there!

This photo is from the awesome folks at the Monsters and Critics site.


Anonymous said...

It's funny you put this up today because I noticed those bookshelves for the first time the other night.

Also heads up to a bit on TV Squad about Alex. They just put a post up about him this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the bookshelves are awesome, I think I might model my own study after that set one day! This is an amazing fan site, by the way, thanks so much for creating it!

Chelle said...

I so love his bookshelves! Love the graphic header for your page, did you make it yourself?

Jacklyn Cornwell said...

I've been trying to figure out how to build those shelves and have a friend helping me with drawings. He doesn't watch Moonlight so I had to find a photo. Thanks for the photo. This is going in my living room with a square section cut out for the TV and media center. This was the first I found. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I too love the show and Mick's bookshelves!!
I'm YA Librarian and we are in the fundraising stages of building a new library in our city... when they ask me what I want in my office... I'm going to show them THIS Picture and say, "I don't care what else you give me, but I want THESE BOOKSHELVES!" I'll sit in the floor on a cushion to work if they'll just give me Mick's Bookshelves! :-)

Jacklyn Cornwell said...

I figured out what his bookshelves are. They're bins for a wine cellar.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info I too love those bookshelves as seen on the show. This will get me started.