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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Music from 12:04 episode #1x08

I hope an official soundtrack will be released for Moonlight. They sure know how to pick music! Below is the song list that I have thus far for the last episode.

Episode #1x08 : 12:04

Drowning by Stereophonics (prison/execution opening scene)~ video in previous post

Dark Love by Melissa Ritter/Luscious Redhead (playing when Beth discovers her file in Mick's office) Song Link ~

Together by The Kin (on Mick's balcony ~ last poignant scene)~ video above


Chele Belle said...

I liked that song on the balcony so much I went searching for it as soon as I could get access to the net. The group of course has a Myspace's the plays well even without the visual aide from Friday night's episode...:::SIGH:::

fridayfan said...

I checked cbs's store and they have no moonlight stuff. We need to get people to ask for stuff especially a soundtrack. At the cbs store web page there is a customer question link.
check it out and send a request.
thanks for getting together a list of songs now, it's easier to find them on itunes. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much. I actually emailed cbs and told them they need to put out the songs on the official website or something because they do such a good job picking the music!

Anonymous said...

What was the song playing when Mick went to visit the Producer, Drake, for the first time?The lyrics were something like "To Hell with the Devil, I Sold My Soul to You". Also, the song with a female vocalist that played when he returned to the house to find the producer dead and Donovan Shepard as a vamp for the first time?
Btw, thanks for the other music cues.Also, does anyone know why movies have to list the songs used but TV shows do not?I've always been curious as to why.

haifischjunge said...

yeah I would also be intered in the song playing while going to the producer...

Anonymous said...

I know this reply is late, but I just stumbled on this blog. The song with the lyrics "to hell with the devil, I'm selling my soul to you" is called "to hell with the devil" and it's by LA based indie artist JIM BIANCO ( or )
The song is on his new album "SING" that was just released last week. The song is available on itunes right now. Thanks. D.