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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Video ~ New trailer for Sophia Myle's movie ~ Outlander

This video shows the trailer for Sophia Myle's upcoming film, Outlander. It is a sci-fi, fantasy, action and Viking period flick all rolled into one. We get to see a few glimpses of our girl in her role as Freya... and... she does the narration for the clip.

Here is a little synopsis for the movie's plot from the official website for ya ~

As an age old battle rages amongst the stars, Kainan’s ship burns brightly as it crashes into the Nordic coast. As his space craft comes to rest in the fjords of ancient Norway, it’s with dismay that Kainan realizes that he wasn’t the only survivor. A second passenger, a Moorwen also emerges from the wreckage. A Fierce and animal-like creature, the Moorwen is intent on causing harm to those it perceives have wronged it. As the Moorwen kills everything in its path, Kainan must work together with the Vikings to destroy the beast before it destroys them all. Starring James Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Jack Huston, John Hurt, and Ron Perlman.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

The video looked awesome. I love action and fantasy movies. Of course I love our beautiful Sophia who played Beth so well. I am definitely going to see this film when it comes to the theatre.

Thanks for the info, Kandye.