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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Promo for next week's episode ~ Fleur De Lis (#1x09)

Hey all :) This is the promo shown at the end of tonight's episode. Of course, it is promoting next Friday's "Fleur De Lis" (episode #1x09). You know that I love the title cuz it makes me think of my New Orleans.

I had no doubt that Morgan Vincent/Coraline would be returning to mess with Mick's mind. Sorry all who wanted her to disappear after "The Ringer." I'm sure the last scene of this promo made everyone gasp. For a few weeks, I've had photos from this upcoming episode that seem to confirm what you see. I did not want to post them until episode #1x08 had aired. The images will be on here soon.


Anonymous said...

OH! I didn't see next weeks promo until now..AAAAAAA!NOO, I want Mick and Beth togetger..CAN'T WAIT o see what happens!!
(love your blog by the way)

Anonymous said...

Do you know the song playing in the promo?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see what will happen to them!(I guess I have an idea though ;-)

Thank you for posting all these great photos and videos...THIS BLOG IS THE BEST AND YOU ARE TOO....oh, but we can't forget Moonlight is the best also!