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Friday, November 28, 2008

Moonlight tops Comcast's list of Best Canceled Shows

Comcast has posted their 25 picks for "Best Canceled Shows." Can you guess which tv series is number one on that list? That's right..... Moonlight!

A few of the other television programs on Comcast's list include Jason Dohring's old home Veronica Mars, Arrested Development, Jericho, Freaks and Geeks, Gilmore Girls, Deadwood, Journeyman, Eyes, Kolchak : The Night Stalker, and two of my personal faves ~ My So-Called Life & Firefly.

Best Canceled Shows

#1 ~ Moonlight

Hot vampires. What's not to love? Fans sure loved star Alex O'Loughlin but it wasn't enough for CBS to bring "Moonlight" back for a second season. (Photo: CBS)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

The Hunger Site

The Hunger Site

I have soooooooo much to be thankful for, not the least of which is you :) While we are stuffing ourselves with good food today.... surrounded by family & friends.... I hope you will join me in doing something easy & quick to help those with nothing to eat. To top it off, it is FREE! Click on the links above to donate food through The Hungersite.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fan Video ~ Mick St John vamped out and fighting

This is a fun fan video dedicated to Moonlight. Lots of cool scenes of Mick St John the way I like him..... vamped out! Show us those fangs! Pedrolua used many of the fantastic fights from our show, including Alex O'Loughlin and Holly Valance battling as Mick & Lola :)

Music ~ Colder and Colder by Sara Noxx

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Going to the Midnight showing of Twilight

I'm counting down to the Midnight showing of Twilight :) YEA! Please, feel free to share your thoughts of the film after you see it.

For those who have been asking for Twilight books, sweatshirts and other merchandise (Sorry, Edward Cullen himself is not for sale ~ hehehe!), here is a link for ya......

Photograph ~ Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) dancing together in the prom scene from the movie Twilight

Sunday, November 16, 2008

TV Guide ~ Our Favorite TV and Movie Vampires

The folks at TV Guide have created a list of their top Vampires from films and television shows. It begins with a post about Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and the upcoming Twilight movie. Lestat de Lioncourt (Tom Cruise) Interview with a Vampire, Selene (Kate Beckinsale) Underworld, Count Dracula (Bela Lugosi), Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer) True Blood, Mamuwalde (William Marshall) Blacula, David (Kiefer Sutherland) The Lost Boys, Spike (James Marsters) Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Count Orlok (Max Schreck) from the historic film Nosferatu are just a few of the vamps on the list.

Of course, our Mick St John is included :) They used a fab photo of Alex O'Loughlin! I'm sure you recognize the image ~ Mick dripping wet.... open shirt.... bare chest.... fresh out of the motel bathtub after being saved by drinking Beth's blood.... ooooooo my!

Our Favorite TV and Movie Vampires

Mick St. John (Alex O'Loughlin), Moonlight

A modern, gentlemanly vampire, private investigator Mick refuses to let go of his humanity entirely. Unlike other vampires, he refuses to hunt women and children, and even drinks blood from the morgue. Oh, and he's just so dreamy!

Photograph ~ Mick St John (Alex O'Loughlin) from Moonlight's Fever episode (#1x04)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank you for the marvelous messages :)

As you may have noticed, my online life has been fairly limited lately. I know you have because I've received numerous thoughtful inquiries asking if everything is ok :) You are too sweet!

I try to keep my posts focused on the subject that brought you to my blog and not on personal stuff. In this case.... I realized that I need to let you know what has been occupying much of my concentration.

My doctor sent me to have a routine test recently. Something odd was noticed. The concern is discolored areas that can indicate cancerous cells. Gulp! In order to find out if I have cancer or not, I had to have a full body scan. Now, I'm dealing with the hard part of waiting for the results.

On top of that ~ A few weeks ago, I introduced you to our new rescued puppy. Jasper disappeared from our yard :( We love our dog soooo much. Jasper even has a blog.... Breaking my heart!

Thankfully, life hasn't been all gloom & doom. Several dear friends came to town (from Florida, Texas, England, etc), we discovered two local bands/performers that rock, celebrated birthdays, danced the night away until the place shut down and so on. Things like this are what keep us going through tough spots, right?

I haven't had much time for online fun. When I do log on, your fantastic messages are very uplifting :)

I hope to have good news to share with you soon. That will make us extremely happy.... at least, until the medical bills begin pouring in *grin*

Monday, November 10, 2008

TV Guide ~ Question regarding CBS and ratings

Another concerned fan asks Matt Roush to try to explain how CBS looks at ratings when deciding its television programming & schedule.

Ask Matt

Question : I'm so frustrated! How many times do I watch a CBS show at 9 pm/ET on Friday after Ghost Whisperer and it gets cancelled? First, Close to Home, then Moonlight, and now The Ex List. Out of the three, Moonlight was the best, followed by Close to Home. The Ex List wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible TV. To me, it was better than watching Supernanny at that same time. My question is this: When will CBS get a show and leave it there? Why must CBS be so specific about ratings, and dump a show if it doesn't hold Ghost Whisperer's ratings? Is there any way for the suits at CBS to hear us "regular folks" who are actually the ones watching the shows? I just don't get it, but maybe it's because I'm not familiar with the way TV Networks work. It's just very frustrating. It almost makes you not want to watch anything anymore for fear it will be canceled. This 9 pm time slot on Friday on CBS is the worst. But I know there are other shows in danger of cancellation (Pushing Daisies, etc.). Why do they expect so much from "ratings?" — Mary M.

Matt Roush : This Friday time slot is the last tough nut for CBS to crack. (The network finally fixed its Tuesday 10 pm/ET problem, where shows had gone to die ever since Judging Amy packed it in, by moving Without a Trace there.) Simply put, ratings are the necessary evil by which the network business still functions. Even in these technologically transitional times, it's the measurement system by which shows live or die, and Fridays are particularly challenged as the viewing levels on the night continue to dwindle. Finding a show that fits between Ghost Whisperer and Numb3rs has proved particularly vexing, and going the supernatural or romantic-comedy route the last two seasons hasn't met CBS's expectations. (In retrospect, giving Moonlight a second season to develop might not have been such a bad idea.) I keep seeing speculation in the trades that plugging in the summer hit Flashpoint would make the most sense, and I guess we shouldn't expect anything else from CBS beyond yet another procedural hour.

Thank you, Eva, for sending me a message to be sure I had this info!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Repeats of Moonlight to begin airing on SciFi in January 2009!

January 2009 is gonna be very good to Moonlight fans! First, the season one DVD will be released on January 20th. Then......... The Sci-Fi Network will begin airing repeats of Moonlight on Friday, January 23rd! That's right, we get our Friday night fix back :) Of course, we wish it could be new episodes of the show. However, it will be fantastic to see Alex O'Loughlin, Jason Dohring, Sophia Myles, Shannyn Sossamon and the gang back on our tv screens. *cheer*

Breaking News

By The Futon Critic Staff

...on Friday, January 23, Sci Fi Channel will add repeats of the short-lived dramas "Invasion" and "Moonlight" at 8:00/7:00c and 9:00/8:00c, respectively, leading into "Galactica" at 10:00/9:00c.

Photograph ~ Moonlight tv series promo picture of ~ left to right ~ Josef Kostan (Jason Dohring), Coraline DuVall (Shannyn Sossamon), Mick St John (Alex O'Loughlin) & Beth Turner (Sophia Myles)

Don't forget to preorder your Moonlight television series season one DVD box set :) Amazon has marked it down to $25.99!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"Alex O'Loughlin is a major TV star waiting to explode"

A thoughtful fan asked TV Guide's Matt Roush about the long wait for Alex O'Loughlin's new television project. She articulated a worry I've heard from many of you..... Not wanting Alex to lose momentum, fan recognition and appeal by taking too much time out of the public eye.

We want to keep Alex on the media radar!


Question : I am concerned regarding the ratings for Pushing Daisies and the very real possibility of this show being canceled. While there are no shows on this year that will cause me agony like Moonlight's cancellation did last year, I think Pushing Daisies is a really unique show unlike anything else on television. What do you think of its chances to at least make it for a full season? As I mentioned, I still mourn the loss of Moonlight. While my love of the show was always about the whole show and not a particular actor, I have noticed that Jason Dohring will be on a new HBO show. What is going on with Alex O'Loughlin? CBS signed him to a talent contract and he was supposed to be working on something, but there's been no mention of anything recently, particularly from CBS. Do you know anything? With all his fans, CBS is making a major mistake not getting him on something. — Faye

Matt Roush : Right now, I'm just hoping ABC will air all 13 of the Pushing Daisies episodes that were initially ordered. I'll worry about the rest later, but I think you have to consider it a long shot to make it to the end of the season, let alone beyond, unless someone high up is really looking out for the show. As for Alex O'Loughlin: Haven't heard anything, but to me, an even bigger mistake than not yet having announced his next project would be to rush him into a project before they've found the right one. (And while the early demise of The Ex List no doubt has the I-told-you-so'ers chomping for a Moonlight comeback, that's beyond unlikely.) TV is always at its worst when it's more about the deal than the show, and locking a star into a show if it's not the right fit for either the star or the network is a recipe for disaster. But make no mistake: Alex O'Loughlin is a major TV star waiting to explode, and given the success Simon Baker is finally having with The Mentalist, it should be only a matter of time before O'Loughlin finds a suitable vehicle to take full advantage of his undeniable charisma.

Thank you to Cobby for making sure I knew about this :)

Photograph ~ Alex O'Loughlin doing Q&A session for his film, Feed.