Thursday, November 1, 2007

Moonlight has given me a new Vampire obsession!

When I first heard about Moonlight, I was intrigued because I've always been a Vampyre girl. However, I was worried by all the behind the scenes cast and producing changes. Thank goodness they were smart enough to keep Alex O'Loughlin! I didn't mean to digress into that (he does that to me ~ ha!). In spite of the rumors, I had to check out the show when it premiered. Soooooooooooooooo happy I did! Moonlight has become my favorite show. Hopefully, it is yours too.

Moonlight is doing something that many new TV shows do not have the strength to do. It is gaining viewers each week. The recent airings have WON their time slot in the coveted 18 to 49 demographic group!

Just one more day to go!!!!

Moonlight Television Series
Friday Nights
8:00 PM (CST)
CBS Network

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