A few photos from Beth and Mick's stake out of Coraline's apartment in Fleur De Lis (episode #1x09). What an intense scene! Beth was so upset. While she questions Mick about what drew him to Coraline over and over again, I swear her eye even twitches at one point.
Of course, the song selected to underscore the scene is pitch perfect. Dead End Street by Varano featuring Unni Wilhelmsen.
Hi Kandygirl,
I first would like to say that you have the best blog online. Love all your information very informative.
I loved that you finally put pics of Beth/Mick on your blog, i was very bored with the Coraline/Mick stuff everywhere. Still good just didnt want to see anymore of it. so the change is nice.
Just want to comment that this was one of my fav scenes from this episode. I love the passion that Beth puts into her character, she is so alive with her acting i feel everything she feels almost like i am there with her. Mick does the same thing for me.
I love especially how evident her jelousy is becoming for Mick. I felt as though Mick was getting either annoyed was was confused as to why she was acting this way and why all the questions? I think he knows that she is jelous and is showing her feelings for him more and more. I loved though that she gave it right to him.
I really dont know where they are taking these two characters but i feel like they are going far off the Vampire loves Human theory and that scares me because i truly loved the connection with the forbidden love so to speak. I only wish they do not veer off the side of the road to much on this because honestly i loved it, it is what kept me going and watching. i really dont know if i would watch it otherwise. I mean i love all the gore and blood and action and all the vampires stuff but i also love the love it gave us.
I was a fan of Buffy with Angel and when they let Angel go sad to say i was gone to. For me it just wasnt the same anymore. I will do the same for Moonlight if that happens, i mean i still love Mick and all but it just wouldnt be the same for me. See this is how they started it, they got us hooked on this Mick/Beth thing and now to destroy it? I wouldnt suggest that. But that is only one opinion and it is my opinion and i will stick to my guns.
Love to see more stuff on Sophia Myles. I mean i love Alex O'Loughlin with all my heart but i would like some scoop on Beth to.
If the music was supposed to be playing, it didn't for me. But looking at Mick & Beth is enough. Once again, Kandye, your site is the best.
Heard anything yet about show being picked up? Writers strike, etc.?
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