Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Photos of Mick and Coraline from Flashback in The Ringer Episode #7

I always knew that Alex O'Loughlin is a very talented actor, but he proved it again in The Ringer (episode # 1x07). Compare his portrayal of pre-vamp Mick in the flashbacks, to present day Vampire Mick. He is vulnerable, open, unhaunted and adorably unsure when meeting & pursuing Coraline. You can feel his humanity. Plus, that Hawaiian shirt is hilarious! Come back to modern Mick who is calm, aloof, confident and reflective. Alex's facial expressions are incredible. It takes skill to allow the audience to see such a difference.

Shannyn makes a wonderful Coraline. It is easy to see why poor Mick couldn't take his eyes off her, or forget her. She obviously knows how to manipulate and seduce. Which makes her reappearance in Mick's life so dramatic. What is she planning?!??

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