Sunday, January 13, 2008

Spoiler ~ Photo of Mick & Beth trying to save Josh ~ Love Lasts Forever #1x11

I'm sure that most of you have seen Love Lasts Forever many times at this point.... but just in case ~ SPOILER ALERT!

This photo captures Mick and Beth trying to save Josh's life in Love Lasts Forever (episode #1x11). Mick worked so hard. It is due to his efforts that Josh had a few more moments with Beth.... reminiscing about their first date. The way Mick kept talking to Josh, calling him buddy, while he improvised and tried to keep him alive made me respect him even more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know up until I saw this episode FEVER was my favorite, but I have to say this has replaced it. The whole scene where Mick tries to save Josh is so emotional.

Moonrizing1 has uploaded the scene to

I love tho whole show, but this scene takes my breath away.