Friday, April 4, 2008

Only 2 more Fridays for the Keep It Dark campaign

Only two more weeks to go before Moonlight returns! *cheer* Of course, the Keep It Dark campaign continues until then. CBS still has not put any of Moonlight's episodes on the official website for our viewing. Even tho there were no videos to stream, Moonlight still used to be an option when you clicked on "full episodes." Now, CBS has removed our show from that menu. *sigh* I hope all of this is just to prepare for the return. You'd think the network would realize that it would help new fans if they were able to watch reruns of the first 12 episodes before jumping into the fresh ones. For those lovely newbies..... you can find Moonlight's episodes posted on YouTube.

Tonight, we will watch Love Lasts Forever (episode #1x11) on Veoh together.

Keep It Dark Campaign
Friday nights until Moonlight returns on April 18th
7:00 to 9:00 pm Central & Mountain
8:00 to 10:00 pm Eastern & Pacific

Wonderful banner by MoonMaiden

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